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Partner Iechyd a Llesiant Cymru

The Bereavement Journey - Penarth - Gwasanaethau Adfer Iechyd Meddwl

Diweddariad diwethaf: 04/10/2024
Gwasanaethau Adfer Iechyd Meddwl

Beth rydym ni'n ei wneud

The Bereavement Journey aims to help individuals to process grief. It is a series of films and discussion groups that gently guide people bereaved at any time through the most common aspects of grief and bereavement, enabling them to process the implications for themselves and discern next steps.
Usually run by churches, the course uniquely offers a final session on faith questions in bereavement, provided from a Christian perspective. This follows the main sessions and is optional, making The Bereavement Journey suitable for people of any faith or none. Anyone 18 years+ for whom someone important has died at any time is welcome.
Grief can be very painful, and The Bereavement Journey has been designed to validate every person’s experience and help them feel safe. There is no expectation to say or do anything. Guests make their own decisions about what feels right for them, and they do their own grief work.